Thursday, September 30, 2010
Bali is one of the most popular tourism destination in Indonesia, South east Asia.  You can enjoy beautiful beaches and awesome tradition of Balinese.  Most of the tourist in Bali come from Australia, Japanese and European.  The warm weather and beautiful places  make you love to stay and enjoy your vacation.  Even though far away from your home you still feel like in your own home because of the warm heart and friendly local people who welcome you.
Uluwatu scenery
Beside call Paradise Island,  Bali also call the God’s island, because there are a thousand  Hinduism’s temples.  In this day the Balinese temples not just for the local people to pray but also a nice place to visit by the tourist.  Usually the temples build in the very nice and exotic place.
One of the Beach scenery
There are a couple places that I love to visit every time I have a chance to visit Bali,  such as Uluwatu temple, Kuta beach,  Kintamani, lake Batur, and Ubud.  A lot of nice places to diving, and my husband’s favourite place is US Liberty wreck in Tulamben.  He found the most interesting kind of fish compare to the places that he dove before.
Most of the water sports cost cheaper than water sports in USA,  the difference of the currency exchange give you a lot of advantages.  Average currency exchange from US $ to Rupiah, Indonesian currency is US $ 1 = Rp. 8,000.  Bali also has a lot of exotic places with the unique Hinduism culture which is interesting to visit.  Thank you

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Rafting di Sungai Ayung

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mau mencoba wisata air paling menantang di Bali? Seru, penuh canda tawa melalui jeram-jeram yang memberi tantangan dan keceriaan. Hanya ada di Ayung Rafting Bali. Recommended!
Nah ini dia pilihan favorit untuk wisatawan yang tertarik mengikuti kegiatan rafting di tempat yang paling favorit di Bali. Tempatnya di Sungai Ayung, Payangan dekat Ubud.
Perjalanan dari Kuta ditempuh kurang lebih 1  jam untuk mencapai starting point di Payangan, Ubud. Setelah menerima briefing dari instruktur, kita akan mencoba derasnya sungai Ayung ini. Boat yang tersedia bisa menampung 4 orang + 1 instruktur. Setiap boat akan ditemani oleh seorang instruktur berpengalaman dan bersahabat.
Selama kurang lebih 2, 5  jam, kita akan mengarungi derasnya arus di sungai ini. Jarak yang akan ditempuh kurang lebih 13 km. Oh ya, sungai ini sangat cocok  untuk anak-anak, sangat aman, karena tidak terlalu deras dan juga jeramnya tidak terlalu menukik. Tapi tentunya tidak mengurangi fun dan tantangannya..
Yang spesial di Ayung Rafting selain jeram-jeram ini adalah saat foto-foto dengan background ukiran di batu-batu pinggir sungai dengan panjang hingga ratusan meter. Di sini kita bisa menyaksikan kreatifitas dan seni tinggi dari orang-orang Bali
Ketika sudah tiba di tempat stopping point (finish), kita akan segera beristirahat dan bisa menikmati shower dan handuk gratis. Selanjutnya adalah waktu untuk  menikmati hidangan makan siang. Di sini tersedia menu-menu halal buffet.

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Tempat Wisata di Bali

Bali adalah sebuah pulau yang memiliki pemandangan yang indah, dikelilingi oleh pantai berpasir putih (bandingkan dengan pantai Ancol-Jakarta), memiliki banyak sekali pura dan bangunan bersejarah lainnya, sehingga Bali memiliki daya tarik bagi para wisatawan baik domestik maupun manca negara. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa di Bali kita dapat menjumpai orang dari negara manapun di dunia, Perancis, Amerika, Australia, Jepang, Korea, Taiwan, Arab, pokoknya semua dapat kita temui di sini. Jadi jangan merasa mengaku bangsa Indonesia, kalau Anda sudah pernah ke luar negeri tapi belum pernah ke Bali. Lah orang luar negeri saja jauh2 datang ke Bali, masa kita yang di dalam negeri malah belum pernah kesana. Apa kata dunia ?? 
Ada beberapa tempat wisata yang pada umumnya dikunjungi selama berlibur di Bali :
  • Tempat Wisata di Bali Ground zero, ini adalah monumen bom Bali pertama. Disana terpampang nama-nama korban bom bali, Anda akan menjumpai monumen ini dalam perjalanan menuju pantai Kuta. Semoga tidak ada lagi kekacauan di Bali, karena dari informasi yang kami dapat dari penduduk di sana, pariwisata Bali sangat terpukul dengan adanya bom bali 1 dan 2. Turis asing yang datang berkurang drastis, dan banyak pengusaha yang gulung tikar. Padahal mayoritas penduduk Bali bergantung pada usaha pariwisata.

  • Tempat Wisata di Bali
    Jalan Pantai Kuta
    Sepanjang jalan menuju pantai Kuta terdapat deretan bar, resto, hotel dan juga toko-toko yang menjual pakaian, lukisan, barang seni, dll. Tapi JalanJajanHemat menyarankan untuk membeli oleh2 di kawasan lainnya karena sebenarnya target pembeli di kawasan ini adalah turis asing. Harga barang disini dapat dikatakan cukup tinggi. Mengapa ?? Karena harga sewa toko di kawasan ini harganya selangit lho..

  • Tempat Wisata di Bali
    Pantai Kuta
    Pantai Kuta. Ini adalah pantai wajib bagi para turis. Pantai ini memiliki ombak yang bagus, sehingga banyak peselancar bermain di pantai ini. Pantai ini sangat ramai dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan manca negara, umumnya mereka berenang, berjemur, surfing, berlari sepanjang pantai. Untuk masuk ke dalam kawasan ini tidak dipungut bayaran, paling hanya biaya parkir saja. Di pantai ini, Anda akan mendapati para penjaja jasa pijat, mengepang rambut, temporary tatoo, sewa kursi, wah pokoknya ramai sekali disana. Jika Anda hanya berlibur singkat tapi ingin merasakan pantai ini, nikmatilah beberapa saat saja, ingat kita ingin liburan kan ?  Bukan mau berenang …

  • Tempat Wisata di Bali
    Hardrock hotel
    Hardrock hotel, di tempat ini Anda dapat berenang di kolam yang besar dan nyaman. Kolam renangnya berair hangat lho, jadi jangan khawatir kalau Anda renang sampai malam. Di tengah kolam ada area yang berpasir, cukup unik, karena pasir tersebut sangat bersih dan tidak membuat kotor kolam. Ada air terjun, ada kolam anak yang dilengkapi seluncuran, dan bahkan dipasang layar projector yang menayangkan film. Kamar gantinya pun bagus, handuk, sabun semua tersedia lengkap. Namun harga tiket masuk kolam renang disini lumayan mahal, 100 ribu per orang. Selain kolam renang, di sini juga terdapat spa, gym, kafe, bahkan ada radio hard rock bali lho di dalamnya, kita dapat melihat mereka sedang on air.
Pada umumnya, paket tur akan menggabungkan tempat wisata di bawah ini ke dalam 1 paket yaitu: Tanjung Benoa, Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK), pantai dream land, pura uluwatu dan terakhir makan malam sambil melihat matahari terbenam di Jimbaran.
  • Tempat Wisata di Bali Tanjung Benoa. Di pantai ini kita dapat melakukan banyak olahraga air, seperti jetski, parasailing (parasut yang ditarik oleh speedboat), banana boat, flying fish (tadinya saya pikir permainan ini biasa saja, tapi setelah melihatnya langsung bagaimana permainannya, wauw.. seru banget), diving, bottom glass boat. Anda dapat menyewa kapal yang di dasarnya dipasang kaca sehingga dapat melihat ke dalam air. Hati-hati saat menyewa, harga price list yang ada itu dapat ditawar gila-gilaan. Untungnya sebelum berangkat saya sempat browsing dan mencari informasi harga permainan2 tersebut. Berikut adalah beberapa harga yang sempat saya dapatkan di internet (Juli 2008)
  • Parasailing : Rp 55.000 / orang
  • Banana boat : Rp 50.000 / orang (min 2 org)
  • Flying fish : Rp 120.000 / orang (min 2 org)
  • Water skiing : Rp 110.000 / org, 15 menit
  • Snorkeling : Rp 90.000 / org (min 2 org)
  • Diving : Rp 235.000 / org
  • Glass bottom boat : Rp 250.000 / boat (max 10 org)
  • Dolphin tour : Rp 500.000 / orang / 4 jam
Tempat Wisata di Bali Waktu saya tanya ke salah satu operator, untuk sewa bottom glass boat dikenakan Rp 500.000 / perahu, untungnya saya sudah tahu harga2 ini sebelumnya, setelah tawar menawar akhirnya jatuh di harga Rp 250.000 / perahu. Dengan menggunakan perahu tersebut, kita dapat melihat ke dasar laut, memberi makan ikan dengan roti tawar yang sudah disediakan dan juga sekaligus mengunjungi tempat penangkaran penyu (ada beberapa tempat). Disana kita dapat berfoto bersama binatang-binatang seperti ular, burung, kelelawar dan penyu tentunya. Di pulau tersebut juga terdapat kerajinan-kerajinan, juga menjual kelapa muda untuk menghilangkan haus. Masuk ke pulau ini dikenakan biaya Rp 2.000 / org yang katanya untuk pemeliharaan binatang-binatang disana. JJH merekomendasikan ke tempat ini..
Operator yang kami pakai : Benoa Marine Recreation (BMR Dive & Water Sport), Jl Pratama No. 99X, phone : (0361)771757
  • Tempat Wisata di Bali Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). Berada di daerah Jimbaran, bagian Selatan pulau Bali, di sini akan dibangun patung besar yang berbentuk dewa Wisnu yang sedang duduk di atas burung garuda. Saat Juli 2008, bagian patung raksasa yang dirancang oleh I Nyoman Nuarta tersebut masih terpisah, patung dewa Wisnu, patung garuda dan juga tangan dewa Wisnu. Patung ini akan menjadi suatu simbol sama seperti patung Liberty di Amerika. Lokasinya di atas bukit, cukup indah pemandangan di sana. GWK juga dilengkapi dengan areal untuk teater yang menampilkan sendra tari Bali (tergantung jadwal pertunjukan). Di depan gerbang masuk, disambut oleh musik Bali yang mengiringi 2 orang penari Bali yang menyambut tamu. Tidak ketinggalan di GWK terdapat beberapa toko, kios makanan bahkan factory outlet (tempat idola ibu-ibu). Beberapa operator tour menjadikan GWK lokasi untuk makan sore sambil menikmati matahari terbenam. Tiket masuk Rp 15.000 / orang + mobil Rp 5.000. Agak mahal untuk masuk ke tempat ini, tapi jika patung ini sudah jadi, maka tempat ini pasti menjadi ‘tempat wajib dikunjungi’.
  • Tempat Wisata di Bali Pantai Dreamland. Berada satu arah dengan GWK, di tempat ini terlihat sedang dibangun hotel dan resor berbintang. Kawasan ini dulu ‘digarap’ oleh Tommy Suharto, namun terbengkalai setelah rezim Orde Baru tumbang. Terlihat pantai ini lebih bersih dibandingkan dengan pantai Kuta, dan lebih banyak turis asing ketimbang turis lokal. Tapi menurut saya cukup jauh jarak yang perlu ditempuh untuk mencapai pantai ini dan lokasinya agak terpencil. (Atau mungkin hal ini yang dicari oleh turis-turis asing tersebut?). Jika nanti proyek hotel dan resor sudah selesai, pasti pantai ini akan lebih ramai dikunjungi. Untuk masuk ke kawasan ini, hanya dikenakan biaya parkir kendaraan saja sebesar Rp 2.000 untuk mobil. Menurut JJH, kalau Anda tidak suka renang sebaiknya tidak perlu ke tempat ini.
  • Tempat Wisata di Bali  
  • Pura Luhur Uluwatu. Pura ini terletak di ujung paling Barat semenanjung bukit, itu sebabnya disebut Ulu yang berarti ujung dan watu yang artinya batu. Pura ini berada di atas batu karang yang menjorok ke laut. Pemandangan dari sini luaaarrr biaasaa.. JJH merekomendasikan tempat ini. Sebelum masuk ke lokasi, tiap pengunjung diminta untuk mengenakan selendang (dan ditambah kain bagi yang menggunakan celana pendek) sebagai penghormatan kepada leluhur yang berada di lokasi tersebut. Pura ini dikelilingi oleh hutan yang didalamnya terdapat monyet-monyet yang konon merupakan pengikut setia sang Pendeta suci yang ditugaskan untuk menjaga pura luhur Uluwatu. Hati-hati dengan barang bawaan Anda: topi, kacamata, kamera, kalung, anting disarankan untuk disimpan di tempat yang aman. Karena monyet-monyet ini terkadang iseng dan mengambil barang-barang tersebut dari tangan turis. Banyak yang mengambil ranting untuk dibawa dengan tujuan menghindari dari tangan jahil sang monyet, tapi ingat jangan mengganggu/menyakiti monyet-monyet tersebut. Disana juga ada pertunjukan tari kecak (dengan tambahan biaya) yang berlokasi di ujung tebing. Wah pokoknya akan terdengar decakan kagum dari tiap pengunjung yang datang kesini. Untuk tiket masuk ke lokasi ini hanya sebesar Rp 3.000 saja.
Nah untuk paket tur berikutnya, biasanya digabungkan antara Tanah Lot, Bedugul, Taman Ayun (ada juga yang menggabungkan dengan Kintamani), dan kalau kita sewa mobil bisa juga diarahkan langsung ke Ubud, Celuk, Pasar Sukowati.
Tempat Wisata di Bali
Tanah Lot
  • Tanah Lot. Tempat ini berada di Desa Beraban, 13 km arah barat dari Tabanan. Ini merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang menurut JJH wajib dikunjungi. Disana terdapat dua pura, yang satu terletak di atas bongkahan batu, dan satunya berada di tebing. Kalau air surut, kita dapat berjalan menyeberangi ke pura yang berada di tengah pantai tersebut, tapi tidak boleh masuk kecuali untuk berdoa. Di bawah tebing terdapat areal ular suci. Konon kabarnya ular tersebut berasal dari selendang sang pendiri pura, Danghyang Nirarta sebagai penjaga pura. Banyak yang suka menikmati matahari terbenam di tempat ini.. Kalau dipikir2 di Bali itu lebih banyak tempat untuk Sunset ya ? Tiket masuk ke tempat ini Rp 7.500/dewasa dan Rp 5.000/anak2, sedangkan untuk turis asing Rp. 10.000/orang.
  • Bedugul. Tempat ini berada di atas bukit, sehingga suhu disana sangat sejuk, 18 derajat celcius lho (serasa di Lembang, Bandung). Disana juga terdapat danau Beratan, Anda memiliki 2 pilihan, turun di dermaga (biasanya dilakukan rombongan turis lokal), lalu melakukan wisata air mengelilingi pura Ulundanu, atau langsung mengunjungi ke dalam pura Ulundanu, dan melihat danaunya (biasanya dilakukan turis perorangan atau turis asing). JJH merekomendasikan untuk masuk ke dalam kawasan pura Ulundanu, karena kita dapat menikmati pemandangan yang lebih indah. Tiket masuk Rp 7.500 untuk domestik dan Rp 10.000 untuk turis asing.

  • Tempat Wisata di Bali
    Pura Taman Ayun
    Pura Taman Ayun. Pura yang berarti “Taman Indah” ini terletak di desa Mengwi, Badung. Pura ini dikelilingi parit kecil yang konon sering dilalui oleh dayang-dayang istana dengan menggunakan perahu kecil. Di tengahnya terdapat tugu air mancur yang mengarah ke 9 mata angin. Terdapat menara yaitu bale kul-kul dimana Anda dapat naik ke atasnya, dan melihat pemandangan di sekitar lokasi dengan mudah.  Harga tiket masuk Rp 3.000 / orang. Tapi maaf, menurut JJH tempat ini tidak terlalu istimewa.
Tempat Wisata di Bali
Pengrajin patung di Bali
  • Jika Anda suka dengan benda-benda seni, Anda mungkin mau mengunjungi Tohpati (kerajinan batik), Celuk (pengrajin perak), Batuan (seni lukis), Kemenuh (pematung kayu), Ubud Art Market (Museum Renaissance BLANCO). Dan juga jika diperhatikan banyak sekali pengrajin patung Budha di Bali, padahal disana kan beraga Hindu ? Saat JJH tanyakan kepada sopir sekaligus pemandu wisata, para pengrajin tersebut datang dari luar Bali, dan karena banyaknya tamu asing yang tertarik dengan patung Budha, maka pengrajin tersebut menjamur di Bali.

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Business and Vacation in Bali

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Business and Vacation in Bali
Bali Island is not just the best international tourist destination. Bali is also known as a world class for MICE (meeting, incentive, conference and exhibition). It’s time for your company to launch a new product in Bali. A lot of international Business and Vacation in Baliconference was held in this island. There are many hotels equipped with sophisticated facilities for convention or conference. Many big companies also decide to send their employee to attend outbound or a special training in Bali.The atmosphere of Bali is really unique compared to the other big cities in the world. When you attend a business convention in a city like New York or London you will find the ambiance is the same as your office environment. Yes, you can enjoy the night life after the meeting. If you get an invitation to attend a convention or meeting in Bali, please don’t ask your colleague to replace your place. Bali is well-known as the island of paradise.

Business and Vacation in Bali
Just imagine what you can do in the island. The weather is full with sunshine even in rainy season you still enjoy the sunrise in Sanur beach and sunset in Kuta Beach or Tanah Lot. Ask your secretary to add an extra day so you can enjoy the Balinese culture. Don’t forget bring your digital camera, swimsuit and other equipment for your tropical vacation. Don’t worry, if you forget your equipment you can buy all of them in Bali. There are many electronic stores and mall in Kuta, Denpasar, Nusa Dua and other area.You will get both business and leisure if you decide to hold your next business meeting in Bali. Your staffs are also happy because they can release their stress. The island gives them a new inspiration. They will work smarter than before. Who knows you meet a new business partner or a promising business opportunity during the convention. An artist can find a new idea in Bali, so you can too. Prepare yourself now to call your travel agent and book ticket and accommodation in Bali.

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Real Adventure in Paradise

Sun, Sand, and Blue Sky in Bali
Real Adventure in Paradise Stay at home in December? No, you must go out. Bali is the best solution to heal you from daily life pressure. Let’s release the stress in Bali. Feel the warm of friendly smile of the Balinese, enjoy the tasty food, and clean your eyes to see the green view of the woods, blue sky above the horizon of the beaches. Can we find a night life in Bali? Why not? There are many places in Kuta, Seminyak, Legian and Sanur or Ubud to enjoy wine, disco, and other amusing entertainment.
Real Adventure in ParadiseThere is another fantastic way to enjoy Bali. Ask the receptionist at your hotel that you want to rent a motor bike, so you can ride alone or with your partner. HIMPUNAN MOTOR TUA (HMT) BALI or Classical Motor Bike Club will provide you several of old motor bike made in Germany, British or USA. They will escort you to ride around Bali, so you can see Bali as a real man. Remember Terminator? Wow, you will look a like him, but in Balinese way, because they will give you a Balinese costume. Wow, you ride a big old motor bike with a Balinese costume? It’s awesome man.

Real Adventure in ParadiseIf you like you can go to another island with HMT club, such as Lombok Island, a sister of Bali. They will escort you and show you all beautiful places in Bali and Lombok, even to east Java if you like.

As we know, Balinese is very creative when they entertain visitors. There is much kind of adventure activities in Bali. You can do rafting, bunggi jumping, hiking, and climbing a mountain, surfing in the world class wave.

Real Adventure in Paradise
When you finish with your ride, it’s time to relax in your cozy hotel, dinner, or massage and spa with ayurvedic style. Bali has most first class facilities in many several of rates from two stars up to five stars. If you compare your Australian Dollar, US Dollar or Euro, etc to local currency, you will earn a lot of advantages. There is no holiday like Bali because it’s affordable to everyone. Most hotels and villa in Bali provide a spacious room and you can choose to stay in a hotel or villa with private swimming pool, and not too expensive like in Europe, America, etc. If you decide Bali as your next holiday, prepare yourself as king or queen. They will treat you like a king and queen. So, go to your travel agent to book your airline ticket and hotel. Remember, Bali is mean holiday everyday. That’s why a lot of people call Bali as paradise. See you there.

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Bali Beach Games

Bali Beach GamesBali is a great destination for holiday adventure and outdoor sports, especially beach sports. Bali will make hBali Beach Gamesistory from the 18th – 26th of October 2008 when it plays host to the first Asian Beach Games in the world. Bali will become the venue of this international event which will see 45 countries participating with over 10,000 athletes, officials, media and volunteers all flocking to the Island of the Gods for this world class event.Bali Beach GamesWill you be Bali Beach Gamesthere too?
Over 50,000 people are expected to support their participating countries in the 13 sports that will compete in this first time event entrusted by the Olympic Council of Asia. The areas of Kuta, Sanur, Pulau Serangan, Tanjung Benoa and Jimbaran have all been selected to act as the venues for each of the sports. Beach Volley Ball, Surfing,Bali Beach Games Jet Skiing, Sailing, Wind Surfing, Beach Takraw, Beach Hand Ball, Beach Soccer, Para Gliding, Dragon Boat Racing, TriathlonBali Beach Games, Marathon Swimming, and the new sport, Wood Ball are the sports to be competed in.
The Asian Beach Games is a multi-sport event held every two years among athletes representing countries from Asia. The games celebrate cooperation and unity despite differences where athletes from a wide variety of nations are able to travel, meet new people, and bring back memories about the rest of the world to their home nations. The Asian Beach Games forge unity and friendship between their member nations by joining athletes, trainers, and officials together.
If you love outdoor sports, this is your time to book a hotel in Bali. Bring your friends or your fiancĂ© and family to feel the spirit of Olympic in the paradise. Let’s enjoy a wonderful moment in Bali. We can use this opportunity for Bali Beach Gamesholiday and to heal us from stress. Bali is the solution to enjoy a better holiday.Bali Beach Games
Are you ready for a real adventure? Don't forget bring your digital camera to catch all the beautiful moments in Bali, the last paradise on earth.

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Adventure in Nirvana

Holiday in Bali is a great way to recover your energy, mind, body and soul. It's a leisure time. Go to travel agent now, book your airline ticket and ask your agent to provide you with a cozy hotel or villa that suit to your budget and dreams. Don't go Adventure in Nirvanaalone to Bali. It's really wonderful if you travel to Bali, the island of Gods, the last Nirvana on earth, with your spouse or your family. If you travel alone it’s possible that you’ll discover your soul mate. Who knows?

There are many places of interest in Bali Island. You will enjoy the sun, sand, sea, and the smile of Balinese. Remember, Bali is identical with adventure, romantic atmosphere and the unforgettable warm welcome from the Balinese in every corner of the island. It's really a paradise.

Bali is a beautiful island and recognized as the best resort in the world. Balinese art and culture is a daily life. There are thousand temples in this island. Many visitors decide to live in Bali because thAdventure in Nirvanaey are in love with the culture.

Mountains, lakes, terrace rice fields, coconut trees, beaches, colorful flowers are free to be enjoyed. Dances and Balinese music is a sound of Gods. Bali is an adventure island. The island is full with challenging adventures such as diving, bungee jumping, trekking, rafting, and other outdoor activities.
With its warm water, extensive coral reefs and abundant marine life, diving in Bali offers some superb diving possibilities. There are a number of operations conducting diving trips for visitors, and there are also package tours specifically for scuba divers. If you are traveling independently, and you just want the occasional dive, make sure you bring your scuba certification. Most of the main qualifications are recognized, including those of PADI, NAUI, BSAC, FAUI and SSI. Keen divers might also Adventure in Nirvanabring their own mask and regulator, though all the equipment is available for rent.

Scuba diving in Bali is one of the best places in the world, and this is still relatively unknown news. Enthusiasts usually head to Sanur, Padang Bai, Amed, Tulamben, West Bali dive sites typically offer pristine waters, colorful marine life and milder conditions suitable for divers of all levels. Divers who enjoy wall diving will appreciate the areas prime spots around Menjangan islands, but there is interest for everyone here, with a deep wreck dive, some unique night diving and many snorkeling sites.

Adventure in Nirvana
Most of the regent’s dive sites are found around Menjangan Island. Diving is regulated here. Spear fishing is not allowed and all marine life is protected. Menjangan’s white sandy beaches make a nice location for a lunch break. Underwater, the drop-off along the south shore and eastern tip, facing the Bali ocean, are home to lots of colorful small fish and vertebrates, lacy sea fans and a variety of sponges. The sandy, gradual slopes of Menjangan’s north coast are a final resting place for Bali’s oldest dive able shipwreck, the Anker Wreck. Even large pelagic are sometimes seen at Menjangan. Occasionally sightings of Whales, Whale sharks and Manta rays have been reported. Drift diving is usual, but currents are quite mild and all levels of divers can enjoy this area.

Adventure in NirvanaThe northwest area has had his share of destructions. El Nino, storms have been hard on the corals. The marine life however is teaming and vibrant.

Day-trippers travelling from Sanur to the east Bali dive locations of Tulamben and Amed will get a look at our traditional Bali. The drive is approx. 3 hours. Diving in Tulamben is normally done from shore, where entry can be challenging. Many people prefer to stay overnight in Tulamben rather than day trip here. The local people are very friendly and Bali International Diving Professionals both support and know the local community. We have been diving in this area before it became developed as a popular dive destination. By diving in Tulamben you are also supporting the local community. Only in Tulamben will you see young and old women alike carrying dAdventure in Nirvanaiving equipment on their heads, to the dive entry points, to earn their living.

Amed and the villages south east of this area are becoming more popular with tourists. Life goes back in time here. For most of the year, the water is generally calm, with minimal to manageable currents. Many sites make excellent drift dives.

The sound of crashing surf on the shores is a part of the Oceanside feel, and the dive sites are part of the seascape. The imposing Gili Tepekong and the four outcrops of Gili Mimpang are directly offshore. Consistent currents flow with the full and varied marine life along the shallow reefs and walls that surround these
mysterious islands.

Padang Bai is a small but busy fishing village. The shore is a convenient place to dive.

When the channel is calm you can do a daytrip from Padang Bai to the reefs of Nusa Penida. Nusa Penida has been famous for its coral reefs and marine life, and also a beautiful sea view from the beach. Sanur is a waste of time to some people; however Bali International Diving Professionals have seen wonderful small creatures like the seahorse and mantis shrimp in this area. We feel that this is a good dive location for novice divers and refresher course participants and for those who do not have much time.
The minute marine life and coral formations make this an interesting, as well as a convenient, dive site. Sanur certainly doesn’t offer Bali’s best diving, but if you want a quick and easy dive this is the place to visit. Sanur beach is the best place to enjoy sunrise and Kuta beach is spectacular for sunset. It has been said that diving in Sanur can be magical if the visibility is good.

Don’t forget bring your camera to catch all beautiful moment
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Save Your Mind, Body and Soul in Bali

Save Your Mind, Body and Soul in Bali
How to change your bad mood to happy mood? Come on, let’s go to Bali. It’s time to release your stress. Why Bali? Because Bali is one of the few places in the world where spiritualism and human solidarity with core values and morals have been preserved for centuries and are practiced every day. In Bali spiritual worship, historically founded on a combination of Hinduism and Buddhism, gives great strength and the moral and caring means for a fulfilling, satisfying and happy life.

Most of Balinese home and public building has a temple and morning and evening ceremonies and floral offerings represent respectful and caring commitment towards fellow human beings and Save Your Mind, Body and Soul in BaliSave Your Mind, Body and Soul in Baliliving in harmony with nature and the environment. You can feel this holistic environment in Bali.If you go to Bali you can stay in a place that provides a traditional spa and you can learn and try to practice Yoga. There is a villa offering integrated and authentic ayurvedic, spa, yoga, meditation, pranayama and meditation together with traditional and modern wellness and beauty treatments, is a small boutique resort with just 15 villas, situated in a serene and peaceful environment in Seririt, north Bali.

You can join a yoga or meditation program in Bali such as in Ubud, and other beautiful places in Bali.

The resort perched on a small hill just 200 meters from the beach and with wide open sea views, is surrounded by rice fields, vineyards and natural forest. You can also find a similar facility in Ubud, Kerobokan, Nusa Dua, Kuta, Canggu, Candi Dasa, and other places in Bali.

Bali is rich with many beautiful combination of traditional and modern environment, but you still can discover a real Balinese atmosphere in much form such as art, music, dance, tradition, ceremony, and sanctuary to save your body, mind and soul. We need a balance in our busy life. Bali is the best to release your hectic life.

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Fantastic Underwater-World in Bali

Fantastic Underwater-World in Bali
Discover a fantastic underwater world in Bali, so you can enjoy a real vacation in a tropical paradise. There are many beautiful locations that you can dive. Candi Dasa is one of the best havens to see an extraordinary the deep of Bali sea. Just Fantastic Underwater-World in Bali
offshore from Candi Dasa is tiny Tepekong, a little outcrop that offers some spectacular diving. The coral walls are steep, the water is cold, and the current can be strong. But for an experienced diver, drifting with a 3 knot current through The Canyon offers an unforgettable underwater experience.

If you have an extra times don’t forget to dive in Amed because Amed is a perfect place for those wishing to get right away from it. Amed is a very slow paced village where technology hasn't caught up. There are a number of dive sites in the area that offer some nice drop offs with good coral and diver fish. Most of the diving is done out of local boats, however shore diving is available from Jemeluk Bay.

Actually there is another nice location to enjoy the beauty of tropical fish and corals in Bali such as Nusa Penida area, Sanur beach, Lovina beach, Tulamben beach, Fantastic Underwater-World in Bali
Tepekong (sometimes called Kambing-''Goat"-Island); Gili Mimpang (three mini-islands sometimes called Batu Tiga,"Three Rocks"); and Biaha Island, sometimes called Likuan Island.

Fantastic Underwater-World in Bali
Are you a professional diver? You don’t have to worry about your ability to go underwater. You can learn to dive in Bali with a professional diver’s center. One of Fantastic Underwater-World in Bali
them is PADI Scuba. They can teach you how to dive just in two days and earn Fantastic Underwater-World in Bali
experience the excitement of the underwater world in Bali. Before you go to Bali you can book online to PADI website or other professional divers club in Bali, so you can learn to dive and a sensation of a real paradise in Bali. Are you ready?

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