Bali Beach Games
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Over 50,000 people are expected to support their participating countries in the 13 sports that will compete in this first time event entrusted by the Olympic Council of Asia. The areas of Kuta, Sanur, Pulau Serangan, Tanjung Benoa and Jimbaran have all been selected to act as the venues for each of the sports. Beach Volley Ball, Surfing,
Jet Skiing, Sailing, Wind Surfing, Beach Takraw, Beach Hand Ball, Beach Soccer, Para Gliding, Dragon Boat Racing, Triathlon
, Marathon Swimming, and the new sport, Wood Ball are the sports to be competed in.
The Asian Beach Games is a multi-sport event held every two years among athletes representing countries from Asia. The games celebrate cooperation and unity despite differences where athletes from a wide variety of nations are able to travel, meet new people, and bring back memories about the rest of the world to their home nations. The Asian Beach Games forge unity and friendship between their member nations by joining athletes, trainers, and officials together.
If you love outdoor sports, this is your time to book a hotel in Bali. Bring your friends or your fiancĂ© and family to feel the spirit of Olympic in the paradise. Let’s enjoy a wonderful moment in Bali. We can use this opportunity for
holiday and to heal us from stress. Bali is the solution to enjoy a better holiday.
Are you ready for a real adventure? Don't forget bring your digital camera to catch all the beautiful moments in Bali, the last paradise on earth.

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