Besakih Temple
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Bali is island of Gods. There are thousands of temples in Bali. One of them is Pura Besakih, the Mother Temple of Besakih, in the village of Besakih on the slopes of

Besakih Temple is located in Besakih countryside, Rendang sub district, Karangasem. Honestly, there are conflicting numbers on how many pura (temples) are there within the massive Besakih complex. The local pura guide mentioned of 28 temples, but many people believe that there are about 30 to 38 temples in Besakih temple complex.

Besakih Temple is the biggest Hindu temple in Bali which the local people call Pura Besakih. It owns beautiful view from the top of temple area where we can see the wide nature panorama until to the ocean so that way this temple is many visited by

Hindu's Philosophy
Balinese temple is always base on Hindu philosophy and combines with Balinese local wisdom. As we familiarize, that the point direction way like East, South, West, North, and middle as centre point and each direction is named by Mandala. In Hindu

Indonesia culture namely tradition megalithic in form of Punden Berundak-undak with the Hinduism concept. The ancient omissions which is existing in
Besakih Temple complex can be classified into 2 types those are omission pertained by megalithic tradition and classic era. Besakih Temple beside as the altar for Hindu people in Bali, it is also as tourist destination which is a lot of visited by tourists.
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